
Understanding begins with duality.

How can you believe that all things are one,1 but also that there is a purpose which shapes reality into significance by the preservation of persistent patterns? Because those are just different ideas about the same thing. How can you believe that there is only one real thing, yet we each construct our own understanding of reality? Experience! How do you make choices without belief in a comprehensible objective truth?2 Analyze for principles. Look for prototypes.3 Break down emergent complexities.4 How can you find your way without an authority? Follow your intuition and have faith in your experience.5 Find the way of the pattern as empirically observed, tested and revisited, understood and confirmed. Remember that both the everything and all the different things are true in their way. Balancing mystery and reason, this is the only way to come to peace.6 Things only have meaning when they have difference. The heart of love and romance: only in the other can we truly find ourselves. If a figure has no background, no other, it is an indistinguishable part of the whole.7 Without our perceiving it,8 measuring it, naming it, the thing is unknown, so it remains everything, meaningless.9 But we apprehend things, and so they must have distinct meaning. Everything exists as one,10 but only makes sense when we accept difference.11