
Only everything exists.

Although reality appears to be made up of different things, all things are one.1 Turning the existence we perceive into the everyday things we conceive is the work of our imaginations.2 Our perception of patterns,3 rearranged at every scale, to give us useful understanding. They are veils4 of the hard, silent, truth of the oneness of all. There is no self; no other; only the real oneness of this existence. It is not nothingness, but everythingness. Our everything. The one being that trumps the many signs5 and sentiments which follow. Signals for the insignificance of life, its wonders and tortures, in the face of the all encompassing all. Nothing is, but everything now. You, in the magnificent singularity6 of this moment of existence, as one, unified, whole. Now is the time!7 This is it. All existence is in our here and now. We have nothing else, if we will admit it. Our transcendent experience points us to the truth of all things; the rest is our handiwork. The fullness of now8 is the source point of all belief. The start of all we understand, all patterns and their seeming complexity, our creations, every change, life, death9 and redemption. We have faith in these works of our imagination, making things understandable. But there is only one thing:10 our unknowable now. What is existence? It is just an un-imaginable11 everything.