
Complexity is emergent.

What we know is so little of all that can be known, and everyday we invent more to learn.1 So we will always be bewildered,2 ignorant. Then we derive more meaning, not just from the pieces, but the way they are combined. Synergy3 multiplies their meaning beyond easy understanding. Any understanding we do get, any model we make is limited by our experience.4 Confounding complexity building on complexity, as life and mind evolve the Earth.5 Patterns building on patterns, unpredictably and incessantly. New domains of persisting organization compounding on old.6 All emergent from a few, simple, principles. The basic truths of existence, difference, pattern. The many permutations of the pattern ensuring our context remains beyond comprehension.7 In almost all situations, we are ignorant of most of the effects of our actions. So often the best action is no action. Embracing ignorance,8 and acknowledging our inability to follow all the chains of effect, you feel responsibility lifted. The complexity that so vexes9 us, sets us free. Let go of needing to know10 and gain the freedom to just be, duties negated in the choice to let the pattern work its way.11