4 + Addition 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,… mole N 4
Green Square Confusion is Blindness D South A Young Man with a Game Piece
d 0110 0100 δ ד d d d
Mercury Turquoise C8 Poppy Monkey Limbs Jungle
Excretion Child Confusion النفس هادئ Simplicity Elaborative Borderline
Confused Beware complex schemes. Keep it simple stupid. Its not what you think it is. Add on. Enveloping, youthful folly. Choose the simplest solution.
Now Not everyone's taste. Thou schalt wel understonde that I fynde, in my boistous beholdyng, foure degrees and fourmes of Cristen mens levyng; and ben theese: Comoun, Special, Singuler, and Parfite. ---Ta ka Asu-te-dA kosid-co--- gAh-o Complexity 不如守中 this
17th Birthday Travel to a far away place alone, return and have a party. Flower Days (99-137) Make a fist with one hand, thumb enclosed, index finger extended upward, palm out; form the other hand into a fist, palm inward and encloses the extended index finger. Breath deeply through the nose twice. V Forgo a luxury.
Illusion Learned Master Book Seraphiel The Hermit Cedar Opium
Venus Suhel Setting of Venus D Crux d'Arrest HD 108147 b
Hathor Aonghus Aphrodite nygymg The Four Evangelists Sumana Benoît Mandelbrot