20 ± Inverse 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3,… henry a-1 700
Dark Green Dodecahedron Arguments are War y There A Man in a Hat Next to a Potted Plant
y 0111 1001 ψ ש u y t
Indium Emerald CH4 Aloe Sheep Anus Cave
Fulfillment Guide Concern روح سرية Hygene Natural Bulemia
Getting Better It's not personal, it's business. Be cautious with your heart. The fever is highest before it breaks. Go to the extreme, come part way back. Articulating moderation. Take care.
Now Cages of thought. And therfore I preye thee help me, and do thou for thee and for me. mayare no-ki Empathy 是以聖人去甚 去奢 去泰 this
Before an Evening Meal Cease any labor. Be grateful for the good things of the day and for the meal. Forgive youself for your daily failings. Day of Fasting (78) Point the hand downward away from the body. Inhale deeply into the belly through the mouth, hold for seven counts, exhale fully from the mounth. d Forgive them.
Empathy Fellowcraft Cup Angels The Judge Citrus Empathogens
Universe Fomalhaut Lunar Eclipse d Cancer Reinmuth 55 Cancri f
Anubis Epona Demeter wcrwp St. Francis Kassapa Mary Wollstonecraft