6 - Subtraction 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6,… second tP 6
Purple Spiral Change is Motion f Southwest A Teenage Girl Twirling Her Hair
f 0110 0110 ζ ו f f f
Iron Amber C8 Laurel Butterfly Heart High Plains
Security Sibling Anticipation ارضاء النفس Flexibility Strategic Anxiety
Variable The market is changing. Let love grow. Stretch and apply heat. Discover your formulas and abandon them. Revolution, molting. Don't mistake tradition for truth.
Now Rehashed pastiche. And it schuld by sum skyle rather be clepid a sodeyn chaunging then any steedly steryng. eda-ta-go moc Change 外其身而身存 this
Marriage Bind your hands together with golden cord Exchange rings, vows, kisses. Throw a feast and dance. High Days (178-198) Hang the right hand down over the right knee, palm turned inward and all the fingers extended downward. Lay the left hand on the lap with palm upward. Inhale for three counts, exhale for three counts. J Change something that's obsolete.
Telekenisis Magus Hourglass Uriel The Chariot Jasmine Cocaine
Mars Vega Rising of Mars E Lyra Tuttle Kepler-62e
Kuk Tarvos Trigaranos Pan rplaw The Sacred Heart Sobhita Thomas Jefferson