The Privy Council

Should you read this?

"The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables: Though seeing, they do not perceive; though hearing, they do not understand."

- Matthew 13:13

A Request

Whoever you are, reading these texts, I must make of you a serious request, to which I attach the sternest sanctions that the bonds of love can bear. It does not matter if these belong to you, whether you keep them for someone else, or are borrowing them, whether you have happened on them or sought them out, you are asked not to read them, speak of them, write about them, unless it is done with an open mind and an open heart. Unless you are the kind of person who is aware, engaged, and knows there is something more than the everyday. I have in mind a person who leads a good and active life, but knows the feeling of being more. More than themselves, and instead, part of everything.

If you do read these, and choose to share them with someone, please warn them, as I warn you, that this is not intended to make sense to anyone. It is meant only as an expression of my imagination. An externalized, extended fantasy about the deepest questions of everything. If you do proceed, I ask that you do so fully, for it is possible that certain texts do not stand by themselves, but require the context of other texts to complete their meaning. Although it is now out of my hands, I fear that without a conscientious reading, you may get the wrong idea. To avoid a blunder such as this, I ask you to consider my requests, and, perhaps, stop here.

As for worldly gossips, flatterers, the scrupulous, the ambitious, busybodies, and the hypercritical, I would just as soon they never laid eyes here. I had no intention of writing for them, so I prefer that they do not read on. This applies also to the merely nosy, educated or not. You may be fine people by the standards of everyday life, but what's here is not well suited to your needs.

But, there are some who may be prepared to grasp what is meant by all this, who are not yet aware of it. I am thinking of those who have read this far, despite not understanding. Those who have memories of moments past, when the instant, the fullness of right now, made them aware of something greater than themselves. They have felt an inner stirring to seek something deeper, or followed their imagination to the edge of experience. Perhaps they don't seek deep truths as a vocation, but they do contemplate the mystery of the moment. Perhaps they are not learned in philosophy or theology, but they do think about the experience of existence. They have felt the beauty of mystery, and the delight of understanding, but perhaps were afraid of embracing them too fully. If you are one of them, I hope reading this will encourage you and reassure you. Not to believe in my words, or to spread my ideas, but to instead embrace the mystery. To imagine your own answers, and to express them.