21 Infinity 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2,… degree celsius kb 777
Yellow Icosohedron Peace is Fullness --- Everywhere A Young Woman Sitting Cross-Legged, Holding a Light
z 0111 1010 Ω ת z H A
Zinc Jade C12H16N2 Lotus Dragon Head Glaciers
Transcendance Student Surprise روح سر أسرار Inquistiveness Abstract Dementia
Very Lucky Investments will pay off. Love is awesome. Doesn't matter. Go outside. Shut the door. Returning, a turning point. Do what's right.
Now An abstract faith. And therfore travayle fast awhile, and bete apon this highe cloude of unknowyng, and rest sithen. iD ta Afu-ka-pa Transcendance 不道早已 this
Prior to Sleep Breath deeply. Let everying go. Tell yourself you are safe. Relax each muscle, moving from head to toe. Feel your body and mind lightening together. Feast of the Pattern (123) Intertwine fingers of both hangs at chest height. Point both index fingers and middle finger of right hand straight up. Breath in 3 count through the nose, hold for 3 counts, then exhale for 7 counts. Repeat 7 times. A Bite your tongue.
Transcendance Applicant Door Choirs The World Saffron Ethnogens
Multiverse Deneb Supernova l Pices Kirsch 54 Piscium b
Heha Arawn Morpheus ekaram Salvation Gautama Terrence McKenna