7 x Unknown 1, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6, 5,… candela c 7
Clear Plane Existence is an Object Center A Woman Covered in a Mysterious Blue Veil
g 0110 0111 η ז g g g
Tin Agate H2 Rose Butterfly Brain Desert
Beliefs Other Ecstacy النفس نقية Humility Musical Epilepsy
Very lucky You will succeed. Love is a mystery. Undiagnosable. Remember quiet evenings. Pervading peace, greatness. Don't try to figure it out.
Now A nugget of truth in there somewhere? Look up now, weike wreche, and see what thou arte. Tuh nuhis kuDa   夫唯不爭故無尤 this
21st Birthday Have an extreme experience you have never had before. Sleepless Days (199-236) Place both hands on the lap, right hand on left with fingers fully stretched and the palms facing upwards. Inhale deeply with the abdomen, sigh out. Repeat 7 times. T Fast for 3 days.
Trance Master Key Raziel The Patriarch Rose Psychedelics
Jupiter Polaris Solar Eclipse F Běijí Tempel HAT-P-32B
Aten Adam Atom nwma The Sacraments Anomadassi Gallileo Galilei