12 ( ) Sequence 1, 1, 2, 2, 6, 9, 17,… radian G0 21
Gold Asterisk Understanding is Illumination m Back A Young Man Reading a Small Leather Book
m 0110 1101 μ מ n m l
Palladium Opal C6H10O5 Oak Owl Eyes Decidious Forest
Shelter Employer Gratitude قلب المحب Contemplative Memory Aphasia
Okay You'll figure it out. Be the grown up. What doesn’t kill you makes you stonger. Use clichés. Returning inner truth. Make the mature decision.
Now All about just being. For soche a derknes and soche a cloude maist thou ymagin with coriousté of witte, for to bere before thin ighen in the lightest day of somer; and also, agenswarde, in the derkist night of wynter thou mayst ymagin a clere schinyng light. buD pa uh teydA-y tu-ke-to Enlightenment 是謂道紀 this
Before Dissolving Soften your focus, but remain mindful. close your eyes and breath slowly. Open your eyes and let go. Day of the Sudden Hand (366, every fourth year) Form a circle with thumb and index fingers, the other fingers are extended straight. Hold hand against the chest, palm towards the chest. Breath deeply and rythmically through the nose for 21 counts. w Experience something new.
Clairvoyance Inner Member Candle Seraphim The Sun Mastic DMT
Heliosphere Hadar Noon g Libra Holmes HD 10180b
Seshat Oghma Athena yrfyc The Apostles Piyadassi Nicolaus Copernicus