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Up To You Work harder! Chase'em. Take medicine. Take criticsm. Swallowing jaws; comfort and security. Get yours.
Now Pulling you along. For not what thou arte, ne what thou hast ben, beholdeth God with his mercyful ighe; bot that that thou woldest be. muyvi Energy 曲則全 this
Saying Goodbye Sit and recall the memory of things you need to say goodbye to. Rise, and sweep your hands from your chest out in a gesture of release. Take a breath, be greatful you continue to exist in this new reality, and take a step forward. Day of Submission (155) Hold both hands against the chest, the left facing inward, covering the right facing outward. The index finger and the thumb of each hand making a circle. Inhale deeply with the abdomen, hold for 2 counts, extend the abdomen and breath out. D Do what someone else wants.
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