2 º Number 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 111,… meter G 2
Blue Circle Difference is Distance p North A Teenage Boy With a Black Eye
b 0110 0010 β ב b b b
Silver Pearl CO2 Cypruss Cat Lungs Lake
Water Mother Love مؤسف النفس Empathy Logico-mathematical Dissociation
Mixed Be sure to hedge. Love is everything. Drink fluids. Faced with a choice? Do both. Acquiescencing, the field. Submit.
Now Questions & Answers Ye! think what he think wil; for evermore he schal fynde it a cloude of unknowyng that is bitwix hym and his God. ki-pa-tu naluh-co Duality 故有無相生 this
1st Birthday Name the child in front of your community. Thinning Days (8-77) Bend the arms at the elbow with hands raised even with shoulders. Face palms facing outward and the fingers extended upwards. The arm is elevated and slightly bent. Inhale and hold for as long as possible. @ Give someone a hug.
Telepathy Superior Master Orb Gabriel The Lovers Musk Datura
Moon Achenar Moonrise B Eridanus Encke Epsilon Eridani b
Bast Rhiannon Artemis raga God the Son Kondañña Alan Watts