13 Approximation 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 5,… newton n 33
Grey Sphere Ambiguity is Opacity n Down A Woman Donning a Sock
n 0110 1110 ν נ v n m
Nickel Zircon NaCl Ivy Pig Ears Lagoon
Wellness Caretaker Grief قلب تائب Forgiveness Emotional Depression
Could Go Bad Risky. Give it a shot. Watch your symptoms. Do something boring. Perservering, enduring constancy. Don't give up, you're right.
Now A bit repetitive. Nevertheles menes ther ben in the whiche a contemplatiif prentys schuld be ocupyed, the whiche ben theese: Lesson, Meditacion, and Oryson. mayre Persistance 萬物並作 吾以觀復 this
When Committing Disfigure or destroy something you value, or make a small cut in your skin. Tell yourself that failing this comittment will mean your sacrifice was a waste. Be present in your new reality, where the choice is already made. Feast of Community (341-343) Hold hands at shoulder level. The thumb, pinky and the ring finger touch tips forming a circle. The index and middle finger extend straight. Inhale quickly through the nose, hold for 3 counts, then exhale through the mouth for 7 counts. Z Don't take credit.
Invisibility Journeyman Mask Cherubim The Moon Sage Emmenogogues
Oort Cloud Capella A Moonset k Aquarius Herschel–Rigollet HD 10180c
Mut Don Hera talb St. John the Baptist Atthadassi Marie Curie