10 * Multiplication 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720,… lux R 10
Silver 5 Pointed Star Natural Forces Are Persons h Up A Man With a Telescope Pointed at the Sky
k 0110 1011 κ י k k j
Aluminum Spindel He Lily Phoenix Fingers Alpine Forest
Friendship Friend Amazement قلب سليم Persistance Spatial Panic
You'll Be Fine It will recover. Become friends first. It will heal. Courage! Treading, continuing. Give them a second chance.
Now Rewritten. Ye, the soules in purgatori ben esed of theire peine by vertewe of this werk. Thiself arte clensid and maad vertewos by no werk so mochel. ki-pa-tu Rebirth 難得之貨 令人行妨 this
Needing Atonement Admit to another person what you have done. Perform a kindness in measure to your transgression. Days of the Stars (296-330) Stretch the hand out, either horizontally or vertically, palm turned forward. The thumb presses down the middle two fingers, while the index and little fingers extend straight upwards. Inhale and exhale normally. m Let go.
Parthenogenisis Petitioner Bell Israfil The Star Dittany Alcohol
Neptune Betelgeuse Heliacal Rising of Orion I Cetus Finlay WASP-44b
Nut Arianrhod Orpheus rawb The Good News Padmuttara Joseph Campbell