
Have faith in your imagination.

If the only sure truth is the experience of now, all else is faith.1 If all our conception of reality is a product of the imagination, then faith must begin with belief in your imagination, its practical utility and mystical import.2 Even elegant science, with its methods of observation and theoretical laws, is a work of the collective imagination.3 Our empirical experience is real, but our understanding of it is our handiwork. Practical utility and predictive power do not make ideas real.4 Only 7 is real. So we each must use our imagination to build our memories, and fabricate our self. Our unique echo of understanding, our own pattern.5 No one else understands the world the same way, feels existence the exact way, as anyone else. Even you are removed from yourself, one moment to the next.6 Each mind must build its own model, draw its own map, at every moment. No evangelism is possible, then, when you hold the experience of now to be your ultimate dogma,7 and the practice of imagining to be sacred.8 Each is free to believe in their own being, and to build their beliefs with their own imagination. There is no other way: answer your own unanswerable questions9 as best you can, or let them be.10 There are no answers to know. There is only you, now. So have faith in your imagination, and let others have faith in theirs.11