
Our reality is our handiwork.

The mind is the organ of perception of the pattern. A fold in the meaning of all things,1 the way fractals2 form the same shape at different resolutions. Consciousness built on the experience of your ancestors, in genetic and memetic3 waves of cause and effect culminating in now. This universe among those that could be, sensed and built and built again with every thought. You, the observer and your imagination working to build and maintain all we know and understand.4 From the constants that stabilize physics, to the mutations of sexual reproduction, from solitary cognition5 to complex culture, our evolution6 is in response to the stimulus of the pattern communicating in every media of meaning.7 The pattern building us in its way. And we alter the pattern in return. We create and give birth, and delight in doing it.8 The vast beauty of our ideas gives us joy. The work of our hands gives us relief. Escape found in altering our impermanent,9 but persistent, existence. Unity through the shared experience of emotions; connection from recognizing10 the narratives we know so well. Peace and provation found in the aesthetic patterns of tone and shape, word and movement.11 This making of patterns, above all, is our purpose. The way out of our isolation and the way into ourselves.