calur un-Tota
chalur un-dota
day one-four
Day Eleven
ox kolix AgA-pa-to solAb-co
osh kolish AgA-pa-to solAb-cho
in wasteland awake-I-did sudden-ly
Suddenly, I awoke in the wasteland
ay reylu ur pa gelix Age-ka-to
aya reyalu ur pa gelish Age-ka-to
and everywhere around me nothing exist-it-did
and all around me there was nothing.
iy ADu muh-co gelix selib-o kuDa ede-pa-to-hu
iya Adnu muth-cho gelish selib-o kudna ede-pe-to-thu
but that even-ly nothing something-a is told-I-did-was
But I have been told even nothing is something,
ay pa-yre korug-y ADu reylu ox kolix
aya pa-yare korug-ya Adnu reyalu osh kolish
and me-mine eye-s that everywhere in wasteland
and so my eyes could see all around in that place,
polAm-y ite-ge-tu-hu fa-ki ru-ga-tu
polAm-ya ite-ge-tu-thu fa-ki ru-ga-tu
idea-s make-manifest-they-was-were see-to able-they-were
ideas were made manifest.