calur un-voda
chalur un-voda
day one-five
Day Twelve
teyve ---tuh nuhis kuDu
teyave "tuth nuthis kudnu
sky "now time is
The sky said, "Now is the time
ay pa-yre naydo ox kolev ohA-le milo--- ede-pa-to
aya pa-yare nayado osh colev othA-le milo" ede-pa-to
and me-mine friend in place not-right-y are-you" said-it-did
and you, my friend, are in the wrong place."
buD uh teydA-y tu-ke-to-hu
budn uth teyadA-ya tu-pe-to-thu
hand through heaven-s lift-it-did-was
The hand lifted me up through the heavens
Am cupeg alu-ka-to six-co kaD-le
Am chupeg alu-ka-to sish-cho kadn-le
until pressure become-it-did real-ly bad-y
until the pressure became so bad
ADu pa-yre repos fi-ke-tu-hu
Adnu pa-yare repos fi-ke-tu-thu
that me-mine body lose-it-did-was
that my body was lost.
ay kude pa-yre korug-y fi-pa-to
aya kude pa-yare korug-ya fi-pa-to
and because me-mine eye-s lose-I-did
And because I had lost my eyes,
fa-ki ru-pa-tu-ro iy oda-ki ru-pa-tu nAydo-co
fa-ki ru-pa-tu-ro iya oda-ki ru-pa-tu nAyado-cho
see-to able-I-not-was but believe-to able-I-was on-ly
I could not see, but only believe,
oke-ki ru-pa-tu-ro iy Asu-ki ru-pa-tu nAydo-co
oke-ki ru-pa-tu-ro iya Asu-ki ru-pa-tu nAyado-cho
feel-to able-I-not-was but think-to able-I-was on-ly
I could not feel, but only think.
ay karox-pa-tu ADu da-pa-tu
aya karosh-pa-tu Adnu da-pa-tu
and confused-I-was that be-certain-I-was
And in my confusion,
ADu oda-ki radn-le kudna
Adnu oda-ki radn-le kudna
that believe-to goodness-y is
I thought I knew to believe.
iy teyve ---ele-ta-ro--- ede-ka-to
iya teyave "ele-ta-ro" ede-ka-to
but sky "be-correct-you-not" say-it-did
But the sky said, "You are wrong."