calur un-un
chalur un-un
day one-one
Day Eight
ADu noh-le evotu eda-pe-to un-le
adnu noth-le evotu eda-pe-to un-le
that truth-y was-it know-I-did first-y
The first time I knew it was true,
Ar pa-yne korug-y odu-to-le lo-pa-tu
ar pa-yane korug-ya odu-to-le lo-pa-tu
when me-mine eye-s close-d-y sit-I-was
I was sitting with my eyes closed,
ay seyre el pa fa-pe-to
aya seyare el pa fa-pe-to
and gold-light before me see-I-did
and I saw its golden light before me.
Ar pa-yne korug-y ode-to-le gelix Age-ka-tu
ar pa-yane korug-ya ode-to-le gelish Age-ka-tu
when me-mine eye-s open-ed-y nothing exist-it-was
When I opened my eyes there was nothing.
iy lisir ir pa oke-ke-to
iya lisir ir pa oke-ke-to
but It behind me feel-I-did
But then I felt it behind me,
ay ul pa-yne merol buD-o seyru-le oke-ke-to
aya ul pa-yane merol budn-o seyaru-le oke-ke-to
and on me-mine back hand-a warmth-y feel-I-did
and I felt a warm hand on my back,
iy do-pa-to nuh-co gelix fa-pe-to
iya do-pa-to nuth-cho gelish fa-pe-to
but turn-I-did then-ly nothing see-I-did
but when I turned I saw nothing.