calur un-iten
chalur un-iten
day one-six
Day Thirteen
uhi-pe-tu-hu nuh-co
uthi-pe-tu-thu nuth-cho
lessened-I-was-was then-ly
Then I was made small,
ay ADu soc mulu edu-pa-to
aya Adnu soch mulu edu-pa-to
and that inside was-I know-I-did
and I knew I was inside.
ay soc du-pa-to ohA-co
aya soch du-pa-to othA-cho
and inside travel-I-did as-ly
And as I traveled the inside,
lorum-o ode-ke-to-hu
lorum-o ode-ke-to-thu
hole-a open-it-did-was
a hole opened
ay onu-pa-to
aya onu-pa-to
and go-out-I-did
and I went out.
ay ox mayre lisAn-le mulu
aya osh mayare lisAn-le mulu
and in garden beauti-ful was-I
And I was in the beautiful garden
Ar retox fa-pa-to
Ar retosh fa-pa-to
when fountain see-I-did
when I saw the fountain.
ay ADu nusar mulu eda-pa-to
aya Adnu nusar mulu eda-pa-to
and that home was-I knew-I-did
And I knew I was home.