calur un-ike
chalur un-ike
day one-two
Day Nine
ox selor ufa-pa-tu ay pa-yre korug-y odu-pe-to
osh selor ufa-pa-tu aya pa-yare korug-ya odu-pe-to
in sun walk-I-was and me-mine eye-s close-I-did
I was walking in the sun and I closed my eyes.
lisir el pa osA-ka-tu
lisir el pa osA-ka-tu
It before me flash-it-was
It was all flashing before me.
lisir ox pa-yre reyvu-yre merol oke-pe-to
lisir osh pa-yare reyavu-yare merol oke-pe-to
It in me-mine head-'s back feel-I-did
I felt it in the back of my head.
pa-yre korug-y ode-ki vo-pa-to
pa-yare korug-ya ode-ki vo-pa-to
me-mine eye-s open-to had-to-I-did
I had to open my eyes,
il pa-iy fi-pe-to-ni
il pa-iya fi-pe-to-ni
or me-self lose-I-did-would
or I would have lost myself.
I made a mistake.