calur ike-ih
chalur ike-ith
day two-zero
Day Fourteen
--- elo-ba-dA ---
"let us be joyful" [archaic idiom]
Gaudeamus Igitur
uh kores oni-ti ohA-co
uth kores oni-ti othA-cho
through gate enter-you as-ly
Entering through the gate
ir ta-yre siD uci-ta
ir ta-yare sidn uchi-ta
behind you-r fate hide-you
you hide behind your fate,
vinum milun-le ve-te-to-hu
vinum milun-le ve-te-to-thu
weight promise-y hold-you-did-was
held down by the weight of promises.
liseh kaD oku
liseth kadn oku
"nothingness it must feel" [archaic idiom]
What a sin!
nuhis to-te-to
nuthis to-te-to
time waste-you-did
The time you've wasted.
liseh kaD oku
liseth kadn oku
"nothingness it must feel" [archaic idiom]
What a sin!