calur ike-un
chalur ike-un
day two-one
Day Fifteen
uh kores ufa-pa-to
uth kores ufa-pa-to
through gate walk-I-did
I walked through the gate
ay muyvi-o uxi-ke-tu-hu ox xuyno-o nuD-le
aya muyavi-o ushi-ke-tu-thu osh shuyano-o nudn-le
and woman-a cover-her-was-was in blue-a mystery-ous
and saw there a woman draped in mysterious blue,
ay uce-ke-tu-hu ox hoynu-o ADu fa-pe-to-go fa-pe-to
aya uche-ke-tu-thu osh thoyanu-o Adnu fa-pe-to-go fa-pe-to
and veil-her-was-was in color-a that see-I-did-never see-I-did
and veiled in a color I've never seen.