calur Tota
chalur dota
day four
Day Four
---Ta ka Asu-te-dA kosid-co---
---Ta ka Asu-te-dA kosid-cho---
you It think-you-! such-ly:
Think of it this way:
gAh-o ek korug-o-y ADu selir-o Age-ka eda-ke-go muh-co
gAth-na ek korug-o-ya Adnu selir-o Age-ka eda-ke-go muth-cho
animal-s without eye-s that light-some exist-it know-it-never even-ly
Animals without eyes never even know light exists.
ADu ci-ki ka va-te il va-te-ha
Adnu chi-ki ka va-te il va-te-pa
that claim-to It understand-you or understand-you-will
so to claim you do now, or ever will, understand it all
nevem-o pebAl-le kuDa
nevem-o pebAl kudna
delusion-a foolish it-is
is a foolish delusion.