
Everything is always changing.

The pattern is made apprehensible through change. Without change there is only everything, shapeless and unmoving.1 But it all moves. All the things change, at different speeds, along different paths. From the pattern of these changes the countable2 variety of existence arises. Understanding becomes possible and meaning is made manifest.3 Time is a measurement of change,4 the impact of the pattern. Things change, but we are the ones that give change meaning. Measuring changes, remembering them, predicting them. Our memory and history reimagining the past. Our science and intuition forseeing the future. The personal and collective construction of models and metaphors from experiment and abstraction. Observers altering the world to know it.5 Time and space6 understood relative to the one possible starting point: your experience. Your moment7 amid the comings and goings of things and ideas, the cycling and evolution of physical and mental patterns. Those who adapt, endure.8 Those who deny that all things change engender great suffering.9 Things must change, otherwise they would cease to be. The only way to find peace, is to accept changes,10 neither being anxious for the future, nor nostalgic for the past. Now is the time!11 It is your only chance to experience everything, before it all changes.