
Eventually every thing ends.

Destruction exists; deal with it. Any thing the pattern manifests returns to 7,1 and all its meaning is eventually lost. Entropy is inescapable, in the end.2 The more you deny the inevitability of loss3 the more unreleased guilt and deflected shame will kill you with habits of self destruction.4 Sadness at the lost comfort of predictability, anger at the patterns that no longer endure, these drag us into degradation.5 The needless acceleration of the end of your existence. Your moments spent in the agony of losing a part of yourself,6 instead of the freedom of real selflessness. Forgetting the one truth of now,7 you grasp for the self of then, or fight off the next self. So do not dwell on death and decay, but do not deny them. The pattern is destructive, but its destruction is not meaningless. Out of destruction, new creation becomes possible.8 Our sorrow is destroyed9 as readily as our joy. Only if we accept the reality of our situation, can we hope to go on.10 The lost loves, the remembered agonies, the dashed hopes, we must feel their sadness. Then we can start again, awake with new understanding, alive with new purpose. When we let ourselves go, our pain and anxiety are lost too. Only when you learn how to die, can you be reborn.11