WordMap HD for iOS

WordMap HD for iOS

Now is the Time

When I was 21 I decided to create my own imaginary religion. I call it “The Way of the Pattern”. After more than a decade, the primary text of the religion is complete, but for some editing. You can read the pdf form at this link. Html and other formats to follow.

What kind of religion?

Its kind of a form of materialist mysticism. Kind of like Taoism, Sufism, christian ethics and modern philosophy had come from the same culture, rather than many different ones. Like other philosophies it claims to explain the deal with existence, fate, causation, reality, mind, ethic, art, ecstasy, etc.. But it does so without recourse to anthropomorphized first causes (god) or disembodied wills (spirits or souls). It aims to give life deep meaning without claim to knowledge of external truths, or definitive answers about an afterlife. It is an esoteric religion, meaning it requires faith that the way things seem are not necessarily the way they are, and some “truth” is intentionally hidden. Like many religions it contains some contradicting strains, and different subtexts provide very different perspectives on the whole. The book, and the faith it presents are an exercise in pastiche, research and creative analogy, rather than a true theological program. A post-modern religion, built consciously as a work of art.

Indian Red

Happened to be at a cousin’s wedding on a rain-delayed Super Sunday. Quite a lucky coincidence, as it is a truly precious event. The kind of community and liveliness of life and local arts that modern American monoculture has largely failed to develop in most places.

The Mongvanasp Paeninsula

The Mongvanasp Paenensula on the art wall. This is a story map depicting the clash of three pre-industrial cultures over this large landmass, with lots of cities, marked out battles, etc.