finishing 47 Days in Exile, 15 years later

When I graduated from college, I was directionless, with the ideas that would become the Way of the Pattern  floating around my brain. I was living with my grandparents, working an office admin job I pretty much instantly hated. During the last 47 days for this time (at the end of which I moved to Seattle with no job and no prospects) I kept a “symbolic” journal, noting images, materials and motifs that resonated with me each day, as an excel spreadsheet. Eventually I got a blank book and started creating a page for each day based on my notes. Although I planned out the whole thing in November of 2002, it took me until November 2017 to finish all the pages. Not a great work of art, but it represents the first embodiment of many ideas that I continue to play with, and finishing it, after 15 years, feels like finally putting those 47 days in their final context, artistic and personal. I feel like I’ve found my direction, and these were among the first sign-posts on the road I now, much more confidently, walk. Here are a few pages to illustrate: