Kid in the Shell

When Radiohead’s Kid A was released, my friends and I were already huge Radiohead fans, and it was a quick little contemporary masterpiece of an album we embraced. This same group of friends had a habit of watching favorite movies “synced” to favorite albums, pairing things by shared mood or motifs. One day Kid A and Ghost in the Shell got played together. It was the most synchonous pairing we ever did. 15 years later I created this website to highlight the uniquely beutiful interplay between this seminal album and (the first part of) this influential landmark of a movie. This interplay takes the form of shared themes, lyrical symbolism, timbre matching visual tone, and even some closely matched scene transitions and synced cuts. The fact that the title song and movie title card come together exactly is certainly quite a coincidence.

I created this website as an inventory of synchronous moments for your consideration.